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About Us

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Jenny Gavriel

I am a Principal Business Psychologist and have been working in medical education for over ten years. I strongly believe that individual and team morale, patient outcomes and team performance can all be improved with a better understanding of how we work together. Efficient and effective healthcare often focuses on systems and resources, neglecting the most important aspect - the human component, the element that brings passion to healthcare and compassion to patients. 

I am afflicted by the need to be a perpetual student, I have a Master's degree in Education, a Master's degree in Psychology and am now working towards a Master's degree in Business Administration. Each time I finish I tell myself never again and somehow a few years later find myself researching courses! I love taking the theory and research I learn and bridging the gap to practical applications and what this means in the harsh reality of the intense and challenging healthcare context. 

I am privileged to work in medical education supporting the incredible workforce keeping us healthy and happy. 


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George Gavriel

I am an experienced GP, healthcare leader and educator with experience leading at practice, PCN and Federation level.


In 2022 I was involved in the design and formation of GP Leadership Groups (GPLGs) across Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB). In 2023, I established the Bucks GP Provider Alliance (GPPA) and currently act as Director for this GP Provider Collaborative, bringing together key leaders from General Practice in bucks, including the local Federation, LMC and PCNs, to provide a consensus on the priorities and perspectives for General Practice across Place. As the Director for Bucks GPPA  I am the current Chair of the Buckinghamshire Interface Group and represent the GPPA on the Buckinghamshire Executive Partnership.


In 2015 I joined The Swan Practice as a Partner, and in 2017 I became the Executive GP Partner. I have established many of the working principles later described in the Fuller Stocktake, such as development of an MDT utilising First Contact Practitioners, Clinical Pharmacists and Care Coordinators, and the streamlining of urgent on-the-day access. As well as continuing as Executive GP Partner I now also act as Accountable Clinical Director of The Swan Primary Care Network. I have discussed many aspect of our journey at The Swan Practice in the Ockham Podcast in 2023 (I discussed our journey on a recent national podcast  (


The focus of my leadership is on bringing people together to work collaboratively to deliver effective healthcare services.


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