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Swans and Geese on a lake

One-off Targeted Coaching

These one-off coaching sessions are targeted at specific areas that you might want to develop. You can choose to book as an individual or, if you have friends or colleagues with similar needs, you can split the cost and book in as a group of up to five people.

Doctor and Patient


Would you like to develop a more assertive approach in the workplace? This session will support you to develop strategies to find your voice in the workplace and to communicate in a firm but fair manner.


Managing Conflict

Would you like to feel more equipped to manage disagreements in the workplace? This session will reflect on strategies to manage anticipated and unanticipated conflict conversations.

Building Confidence

Would you like to look and feel more confident? This session explores cognitive and strengths based ways for the longer term development of confidence as well as how to appear more confident in the short term.

Team Project

Challenging Perfectionism

Do you struggle to settle for 'good enough'? This session will help you explore the root cause of tendencies to strive for perfection and reflect on when this is adaptive and when it becomes maladaptive and unhelpful. 

Job interviews

Coping with Changes

Are you facing change layered upon change? Or just one huge change that could shift everything? This session will support you to reflect on your reactions to change and empower you to respond positively with self-compassion.


Building Resilience

Are you finding it harder and harder to maintain motivation? Resilience is not about surviving toxic work environments, it is the ability to grow through challenge. This session provides space to reflect on what is helping and hindering you.


Available Now


Price per Session

Each targeted session is two hours in length, providing time and space for introductions, exploration of ideas, reflection and action planning.

This can be booked for an individual or the cost can be shared between colleagues or friends with similar goals up to a group of five.

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